meanwhile aaron has been working it up at Eddie Bauer... the first day they made him a First Ascent (their mountaineering line) Expert... his time spent looking at outdoor gear is finally paying off.... literally.. ha. this week he is interviewing with 2 paramedic companies, which i am sure he impressed them lots- he has great interviewing skills! plus he is a super knowledgable paramedic!
Other than that.... we have found a really great church called Dear Creek Church here in Littleton and within weeks got plugged in to a small group. never have we both fit in and clicked so well with a group of people... we are so blessed to have found this group.... we have bible study once a week and then random other fun activites (like a corn maze event and line dancing for us gals) that are getting us plugged in and not feeling so lonely away from our friends and family. here is some pics... from our 1 year anniversary dinner and then some more hiking of course...
what kind of colorado-ins would we be if we didn't tempt you with mountain pics?
Lovin' the mountain beard! T how is that snow?