Grief/Loss Book Review

Here is my personal review of the piles of books on grief I have read. I have no bias and what I like you might not like. I read some while pregnant, some within days after losing our daughter, then re-read all of them 4-6 months after our loss just to re-evaluate how I now feel about them and some I just read for the first time about 6 months out. I have included if they are Christian. I also included if: I would buy (B), would get from library (L) or would not read again (N).

Letters To Darcy- Tracy Ramos
-- Written as letters to her unborn child with Trisomy 18. A good read to see how someone felt carrying a child that wouldn't live. (Christian)  (L)

Ill Hold You In Heaven- Jack Hayford
-- Written for people who have suffered miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or infant death. It isn't personal at all- much more a quick biblical reference to encourage that those lost in these ways are people and you will see them again. (Christian) (N)

Holding On To Hope- Nancy Guthrie
-- Written following the book of Job, the suffering he encountered and how that relates to our suffering by a mother who lost 2 babies. A great biblical reference with good/honest personal insight. Good for any kind of loss. (Christian) (B)

Grieving The Child I Never Knew- Kathe Wunnenberg (Journal)
-- Written by a mother who suffered 3 miscarriages and the death of an infant son. A very real/honest look at the pain and a daily devotional to journal your way through grief. (Christian) (B)

When Hello Means Goodbye
-- Written for those who child dies before birth, at birth or shortly after. A very short, down and dirty to stillborn/infant loss. Would be a good reference before the birth. Not much information. Has a lot of poems in it if you like those sort of things. (L)

Empty Cradle Broken Heart- Deborah L Davis
-- Written for any kind of loss. Alot of information- grief/emotions, physical recovery, family, fathers, future pregnancies, raising future children... I felt like just as soon as it brought up a topic I was feeling or wanting to know about, they moved on to the next topic. They really do cover almost every aspect of the process and aren't too fluffy about it. It has a great reference section in back for books on infertility, miscarriage, loss and all in between. (B)

I Will Carry You- Angie Smith
-- Written for families who choose to carry a child that may not survive pregnancy/birth. One of my favorites on this topic. Very honest and personal story. I cried through the whole thing when I was pregnant and then re-read it again. I love the song that was created by the father in this book too. Tissues needed. (Christian) (B)

Heaven is For Real- Todd Burpo
-- Not really written in particular for those with loss, but I found it so comforting for those with any kind of loss. This is a young boy's account on an event when it is believed he died during a procedure and went to heaven for a short time. So interesting and comforting to those who have loss a baby at any time during a pregnancy or after birth. (Christian) (L)

Pregnancy after a Loss- Carol Cirulli Lanham
-- Written for those going through a pregnancy after a miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. A perfect amount of detail and what to expect for your next pregnancy. Even goes through pregnancy trimester through trimester. (B)

Book of Hope- Nancy Guthrie
-- Written for those who are grieving. A daily devotional kind of book. Good but I couldn't get in to it very far. I was looking for something more specific. A good biblical walk through grief. (Christian) (L or N)

Prayers for Those Who Grieve- Jill Kelly
-- Written for those who are grieving any kind of loss, by a mother who lost her 8 year old son. A great book for that time immediately after a loss, where you are crying out to God in pain. Comforting verses from the bible to go along with your pain. (Christian) (B)

Tear Soup- Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen
-- Written for those suffering any kind of loss or grief. Greatness! An illustrated child like, but not for kids book. A perfect way to describe what grief is like, of any kind- whether it be losing a child, grieving not being able to get pregnant, loss of a loved one, grief over any life situation. (B+)

Choosing to See- Mary Beth Chapman
-- Written on loss of a child- by a mother who lost her 5 year old child when another when of her children hit her with a car. A heartbreaking real story of not only grieving the loss of a child but the grief of watching your other child carry a heavy burden. Not very applicable, as it is too personal, but a heart moving story. Tissues needed. (Christian) (L)

A Piece of My Heart- Molly Fumia
-- Written for those who lose an infant. Written by a mom who lost her week old son. It is interesting read, as she is friends with Elie Wiesel so to put in to context the loss of 1 child versus the loss of thousands during the Holocaust. A personal story from the times where they didn't let you see your child. Not a very current, applicable story, but interesting.  (L or N)

A Grace Disguised- Jerry Sittser
-- Written for those with any kind of loss, written by a father who lost his mother, wife and daughter in a car crash. An amazing story of faith and loss. Even though it is very personal it has some very applicable points. So very interesting and encouraging. (Christian) (L)

Comfort- Ann Hood
-- Written by a mother who loss her 5 year old daughter from a sickness unexpectedly. Finally! An honest book about the pain, how hard it is some days to get off the couch. A beautiful love story about her daughter. Tissues needed. (L+)

We were gonna have a baby but we had an angel instead (children's book)
-- Written for any child (sibling or cousin) in a family that is processing the loss of a baby. (B)

Mommy please don't cry- There Are No Tears In Heaven- Linda Dymaz (children's book)
-- Written as a children's book but geared to comfort a parent. A comforting book from the view of the child writing to a parent from heaven on how great it is. Tissues needed. (Christian) (L)

Someone came before you (children's book for our future children)
-- Written to explain to children after a loss that a baby was born before they came. (B)