Tuesday, July 26, 2011

6 months

wow. 6 months. i can't believe it has been that long since i first held my sweet little girl in my arms.  since i got to touch her soft hair and smell her baby smell. since i got to put lotion on her cute little toes-ies and tiny little hands. since i got to kiss her soft skin and smother her with hugs. a half a year has gone by. i cannot believe it. i don't actually want to believe it. it's a hard place to be in when you want to move forward but you don't want to get further away from the time i last got to hold her.

i can't help but think how much fun she would have been at this age. she would be laughing and smiling and such a delight. i would have 6 months worth of cuddles and kisses under my belt as a mommy. my arms would ache from carrying her around too much, instead of aching to hold her. i would be getting ready to take her on her first vacation with nana and papa dinkel next month. worried how i was going to handle a baby on a long road trip. instead i will go into vacation a little sad that we are missing someone so special.

anyway. i know i don't mention it every month. but the 26th is always hard for me. as it marks another month without my sweet girl in my arms, but forever in my heart. so i sit and look through pictures with an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes. hoping that God gives her a great big hug and kiss on her chubby cheeks from her mommy and daddy who miss her so much.

well.... there is no nice way to segway from that on to anything else. so i'll just jump in to it. i wanted to mention we have our String of Pearls fundraiser 5k/3k this weekend. i am a little disappointed as it doesn't sound like many people will be able to make it to be on Team Sophia and celebrate her life with us. hopefully enough will come that we don't feel silly with a big banner saying our team name, with no real team. i have made the cutest little rose (since it is her middle name) pins/hair clips for everyone on our team to wear in her memory. i'll put a pic on here of them after this weekend. they really are adorable!

can you imagine how cute she would be now?

-Sophia's proud mommy


  1. Crazy how time seems to stand still, yet keeps going quickly in an odd way, too. I've always struggled with "its been this many days since I held my baby" and its always been depressing the more time that passes. You will never forget the way she smelled, how soft her skin was and they way it felt to snuggle her in your arms.

    I'm sure God had no problem giving her some hugs and kisses. Thinking of you always!

  2. Tristen,
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us. Sophia will always be your baby and you will always have these memories as time continues to go by. I am thinking of you and your precious Sophia. Many positive thoughts and prayers for you, especially with the upcoming weekend. Go Team Sophia!
