Sunday, August 14, 2011


just a quick thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

God has certainly heard and comforted us. i think we both can say that this weekend has been one of peace. we feel at peace now with where God has us. that he is control and has a plan. a plan we are coming to peace with. we spent some great time together going on a 30 mile bike ride. remembering all the things we love to do and asking ourselves why we have let our summer go by without doing them. we feel a new sense of joy for life and hope for our future.

i am thankful i can take some time to feel angry and then to accept it. i don't want to sit here pretending that what we are going through isn't hard or always make complete sense. because that would be lying to you and most importantly myself. i am really trying to let myself feel how i feel and then after some time I tend to feel better. i think it's easy to feel like a bad Christian, letting yourself feel angry at God or wanting something different to happen. but it's not. praying harder doesn't fix everything. the world is broken and it is okay to let your heart feel the brokenness sometimes. i have always had complete trust, but i do feel angry or disappointed in what that has brought. i think i have to write this to remind myself of this. as our wonderful friend Heidi (who is in herself an inspiration) says- Joy does come in the morning! thank goodness!

i hope that you too feel a sense of peace this weekend. wherever you are at in life.


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